Brilliant Sound

Brilliant Sound
Enhanced Speech Understanding
AI Digital Assistant
Automatic Situation Detection
Bluetooth Streaming
In a world’s first, a motion sensor is built into the hearing aids to provide crucial information about the wearer’s movement through his or her acoustic surroundings. Based on this data, the sound processing can be optimized to deliver sound as nature intended, whether running in the park or sitting in a meeting.
The next generation acoustic sensors deliver sound localisation, own voice detection, signal-to-noise ratio, and much more. By collecting more information and characteristics about the hearing aid wearer’s acoustic environment, the soundscape comes to life far more precisely and in much greater detail.
This unique combination of advanced sound processing with an accurate image of how the wearer is moving through his or her acoustic environment ensures that the hearing aids know what is important at every moment so that wearers always hear what matters to them.
Signia Xperience wearers show statistically significant improvements in both speech understanding ability and listening effort with speech coming from the side while in motion and stationary, compared to current, premium technology.
Satisfaction with Xperience hearing aids in background noise exceeds 90%, which is substantially higher than corresponding values in recent MarkeTrak/EuroTrak surveys.
As a result, wearers are more likely to recommend Xperience hearing aids to a friend than comparable devices.*
* Froehlich, Branda, Freels: Evidence for Dynamic Soundscape Processing benefits (Signia White Paper, 2019)
Discover how Signia Xperience helps wearers to understand their conversation partners while at the same time being fully aware of their surrounding so they can hear important cues from the sides and the back as well.
Please use your headphones and click on the examples below to hear the difference:
YourSound technology uses its in-depth understanding about the wearer’s individual hearing environment and preferences to deliver personalized sound precisely as nature intended.
delivers natural sound and speech in every situation even when moving.
optimizes the wearer’s natural-sounding own voice.
As a result, everything sounds natural and wearers hear what matters to them wherever they are, wherever they go. While dining out with friends, for example, Signia Xperience can make conversation partners and the restaurant’s live background music sound crystal clear and in perfect harmony. And if a waiter approaches from behind and asks if everything is to your satisfaction, the hearing aids also recognize this important speech signal in contrast to general background noise from other restaurant guests.