*Jensen NS, Mohnlein-Gilbert K, Wilson C, Berwick N, Kamkar Parsi H, Samra B, Best S & Taylor B. 2024.
Signia IX with pioneering multi-stream technology delivers 22% better speech understanding in noisy group conversation than a competitor with an AI co-processor-driven platform. Signia White Paper.
Powered by a breakthrough technology, Signia Integrated Xperience is the world's first platform with multi-stream architecture capable of accurately pinpointing multiple moving speakers in real-time – fluidly adapting to enhance their speech and reduce background noise, even when they move around.
Can you imagine being able to help your patients to enhance human performance every single step of their hearing journey outside your office?
With the revolutionary Signia Assistant, you can. All your patient needs is their Signia Integated Xperience hearing aids and the Signia app.