Tune out tinnitus

Tune out tinnitus

Unique therapies for lasting relief

As a leading manufacturer and innovator of hearing aids, our philosophy revolves around improving the quality of life for people with hearing difficulties including tinnitus.

Our static noise tinnitus therapy signals and ocean wave tinnitus therapy signals are now complemented by Notch Therapy. Signia hearing aids are the only ones with in-built  Notch Therapy, which can reduce the effects of tinnitus and may even make it disappear completely.*

Tinnitus therapy from Signia means a less stressful, more peaceful state of mind.


Modern hearing aids: helping alleviate tinnitus


Hearing what’s important without the stress.

Signia hearing aids are tiny technological marvels. They not only amplify sounds and improve hearing, they also provide a range of solutions to alleviate the effects of tinnitus.

While tinnitus is as varied as its causes, it can be grouped into tonal and non-tonal tinnitus. Tonal tinnitus is more common and describes the perception of a near-continuous sound or overlapping sounds with a well-defined frequency, e. g. whistling, ringing, buzzing. Non-tonal forms of tinnitus include humming, clicking, crackling and rumbling.

Three strategies, optimum results

Signia hearing aids offer three different strategies against tinnitus

Static noise tinnitus therapy and ocean wave tinnitus therapy cover up the disturbing tinnitus sounds with individually tuned therapy signals which divert attention away from the tinnitus and thereby reduce its impact. As a result, your clients can relax and concentrate on what they want to hear.

Our new Notch Therapy, available exclusively in Signia hearing aids, is proven to reduce the annoyance of tonal tinnitus and may even make it disappear completely.*

Static noise tinnitus therapy signals

Soft and gentle sounds that take away the annoyance of tinnitus

Signia hearing aids feature a tinnitus noiser function that generates additional sound in the form of a soft therapy signal. This effectively distracts wearers from the tinnitus, helping them to relax and enjoy life. In addition to a range of preset signals, the therapy signals can be customized to specific needs.

Static noise therapy signals use a form of sound that mixes in with the tinnitus sounds and distracts from it. Signia hearing aids offer five different types of signal so that you can help your clients to choose the most comfortable solution.

Configure the static signals “Pink”, “White”, “Speech”, “High Tone”, or “Brownian” freely in Connexx and shape them individually to meet the specific needs of your clients.

Ocean wave tinnitus therapy signals

What could be more relaxing than the sound of a seashore?

Inspired by the tranquil sound of the sea lapping against the shore, ocean wave therapy signals replicate the relaxing feeling of being on a beach. Ocean wave therapy signals mimic the sound of the sea to provide a positive, soothing, and stress-relieving listening experience.

In Connexx you can choose from four fluctuating signals: “Rocky Beach”, “Boulder Beach”, “Pebble Beach”, or “Paradise Beach”. The new “Paradise Beach” signal was developed together with tinnitus key expert Dr. Pawel Jastreboff.

World’s first: Tinnitus Notch Therapy

Removing the sounds of tinnitus for a truly peaceful experience

Signia hearing aids are the only ones with in-built Notch Therapy, which can reduce the effects of tinnitus and may even make it disappear completely.*

Notch Therapy is a well-researched and clinically proven tinnitus therapy approach that’s been shown to be especially effective for people who experience tonal tinnitus, the most common type of tinnitus.

When tonal tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss, Notch Therapy offers the potential of eliminating the tinnitus completely*. By permanently relegating the tinnitus sounds into the background over a long period, the overstimulation is reduced and the brain ‘learns’ to no longer hear the tinnitus sounds, making life without tinnitus a real possibility. Unlike the static noise and ocean wave approaches, which introduce an additional therapy sound, Notch Therapy treats tinnitus inaudibly and unobtrusively.

 * Powers, L., dos Santos, G.M., & Jons, C. (2016, September). Notch Therapy: A new approach to tinnitus treatment. AudiologyOnline, Article 18365.


Tinnitus therapy with noise signals

By introducing an additional, pleasant sound, traditional therapy “covers” the annoying tinnitus sounds, thus distracting the wearer from it.

Dark grey = Tinnitus frequency
Light grey = Amplified background sounds
Red = Tinnitus therapy

Notch therapy

With Notch Therapy, the tinnitus frequency is precisely defined. Amplification of the frequency is then reduced so that it is integrated harmoniously into the overall background sound.

Connexx: Tailoring the therapy to the individual

Using Connexx and input from the hearing aid wearer, tonal tinnitus can be precisely defined and Notch Therapy adjusted. The menu leads you step-by-step to the optimum solution. Finally, the various hearing programs can be set up with different types of tinnitus therapy – static noises, ocean waves or Notch Therapy – for a completely personalized solution.

Frequency and volume of the tonal tinnitus are defined by automatic matching, manual matching or manual entry.
With the frequency check at the end of the adjustment process, you can ensure that the correct tinnitus frequency has been selected.
If all settings are correct, the tinnitus frequency notch can be set precisely. As a result, the annoying sound is relegated permanently into the background, making life without tinnitus a real possibility.
Tune out Tinnitus with Signia Notch Therapy. Unique therapies for lasting relief
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