How Signia aims to enhance human performance
At Signia, we aspire to empower people to perform at their best and gain an advantage – to Be Brilliant. Our mission is to enhance human performance through iconic innovations that shape the present and future of the hearing aid industry.
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Being brilliant means different things to different people. Your clients and potential customers have a range of priorities and wishes in life and this directly affects how they react to and tackle their hearing loss. We all have a need to feel safe and sheltered yet there are higher-level concerns of self-fulfillment that differ from person to person in terms of priorities. While some people are focused mainly on their personal relationships with friends and loved ones, others place great value on their careers or maintaining their youthful sense of adventure and curiosity.
No two people are the same, so it makes sense that Signia as a modern hearing aid brand looks to enhance human performance in a variety of different fields, from the personal to the public and professional world. Because enhancing performance is about giving first-time and experienced hearing aid wearers the opportunity not just to live with hearing loss but to thrive in spite of it in all the ways that make them feel fulfilled.
In this blogpost, we take a look at the many ways in which Signia places its focus on enhancing performance with the aim of letting wearers Be Brilliant.
Maintaining independence
Everyone with hearing loss wishes to stay independent and in control of their lives. The most common challenges include having trouble understanding conversations in noisy places such as a crowded room or restaurant, misunderstanding words and having to ask people to repeat themselves, and having trouble following a conversation when two or more people are talking at the same time.
Signia addresses these fundamental concerns by offering hearing solutions that can help to provide a feeling of safety and security, mitigating the fear of departing life as they know it and the fear of being out of control. With Signia hearing aids of all form factors, wearers can feel as reliable as always towards everyone who matters in their life.
Sharing family life
Feeling that their family shares their life with them is an important fundamental need for most people. They want to be able to continue to care for and support their nearest and dearest. Signia hearing solutions deliver the necessary confidence boost to people with hearing loss, enabling them to feel that they can help their family when needed and that family members understand and know each other inside out.
Sustaining meaningful relationships
Beyond the immediate family, sustaining meaningful relationships with other people is an important aspect of treating hearing loss, especially for people who are sociable and like to lend an empathetic ear to help others. When hearing loss strikes, getting their ease of conversation back is a top priority. Having trouble with conversations in noisy environments and when more than one person is talking are the most frequent challenges to overcome.
Another aspect that sociable people with hearing loss value is their hearing aid’s Bluetooth connectivity for making phone and video calls. Signia has all these angles covered with leading-edge audiology to ensure clear speech understanding even in noise and state-of-the-art connectivity for streaming music, phone calls and TV audio.
Being engaged in romantic relationships
Romance keeps us feeling young and those who place a lot of importance on it can sometimes need a little more convincing before they are ready to try hearing aids to tackle their hearing loss. If they do wear a device, it is likely to be a RIC and their partner probably helped persuade them to try it.
Whether they are keeping their seasoned marriage strong with frequent acts of devotion or embarking on an exciting new liaison, romance-minded people tend to live more active lives than the average person with hearing loss. They also tend to live a fulfilling social life, so Signia’s sleek RIC designs including the slim-line Styletto X with Bluetooth connectivity for phone and video calls meets a key demand in their life to stay in close contact and communicate freely with friends and family.
Making a meaningful contribution to society
Beyond the personal and family realm, many people with hearing loss wish to feel that they are an active member of society, whether this is related directly to the impact they make in their chosen career or a voluntary position they hold in the public eye with the aim of making a difference for the good of society. These people tend to be not just sociable but also dedicated to their work and can feel responsible for helping others.
If they are focused on their career, they are likely to value a nearly invisible hearing solution such as the instant-fit ITE Silk X or a strong design statement such as Styletto X or the revolutionary Signia Active, with its unique earbud-style design. Their hearing loss is most likely to be mild to moderate so not requiring powerful BTE amplification. Whatever their preference, Signia has the right solution to meet their idealistic and forward-looking nature.
On the other hand, those who find their purpose in being admired by others are more likely to have a profound hearing loss although this does not mean they are already wearing a hearing aid. This is because they expect hearing aids to be nearly invisible or particularly stylish, which is where Signia can meet their expectations. As they also want connectivity to stream calls and other content like music, Signia’s innovative range of sleek Motion X BTEs that combine rechargeability and Bluetooth streaming even in the Super Power category is another unique solution that lets them Be Brilliant and enjoy social recognition.
Maintaining a youthful energy
From keen adventurers to creative artists, Signia caters to those with hearing loss who want to keep pushing the boundaries of life by learning new skills, visiting new places and meeting new people. Inquisitive, energetic and engaged, they respond positively to a brand like Signia that reflects their own youthful energy and creative buzz. Compared to the average hearing aid wearer, this group of people is more likely to be engaged in work activities with a higher household income as well as spending time outdoors with other people and streaming from their smartphone.
They are less likely to wear a hearing aid but they are curious and open to new ideas. This is where Signia’s unique rechargeable hearing solutions can strike the right chord, from the earbud aesthetic of Signia Active to the sleek elegance of Styletto X and versatility of Pure Charge&Go X. The relutionary AI of the Signia Assistant is another persuasive aspect of the Signia brand as it chimes with their youthful interest in new technology that can make their daily life easier, allowing them to focus on enjoying the freedoms and adventures in life.
By addressing your existing and potential clients’ varied priorities, Signia delivers a brand promise like no other – the idea that they can Be Brilliant despite hearing loss, from their family life and friendships to their careers and wider social activities. We help you to empower them to refuse to accept hearing loss as a limitation. With Signia, it’s not about correcting a loss but gaining an edge to