Signia Augmented Xperience - Aperçu des fonctions

Feature Overview


Niveaux de performance


Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

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Sur la base d'Augmented Xperience, Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0 offre des contrastes exceptionnels dans l'univers acoustique des utilisateurs d'aides auditives.

Augmented Focus™

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Permet aux utilisateurs d'aides auditives de suivre plus facilement les conversations grâce à une séparation contrastée de la parole (focus) et des bruits environnants.

Senseurs acoustique

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Les capteurs acoustiques enregistrent de multiples aspects du son ambiant et fournissent ainsi des informations précises sur l'environnement sonore des utilisateurs d'aides auditives.

e2e wireless 4.0

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e2e wireless 4.0 atteint une vitesse de transmission de données beaucoup plus élevée pour le traitement du signal binaural, ce qui permet l'Augmented Xperience et prend encore mieux en charge les fonctions binaurales, comme le CROS sans fil.

Capteurs de mouvement

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Un capteur de mouvement intégré détecte si les utilisateurs d'aides auditives marchent, courent ou ne bougent pas. Ces informations sont utilisées pour traiter les situations d'écoute dynamiques.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

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Le traitement de la voix propre (OVP™) utilise la reconnaissance en temps réel de la voix du porteur pour offrir une impression de voix propre naturelle. Disponible pour les appareils RIC/BTE avec e2e wireless en appareillage binaural.

Clarté du son

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La clarté du son offre un son réaliste qui couvre tout le spectre des situations de port.

Traitement du signal

48/20 32/16 24/12 16/8 16/8
Canaux/manches dans Connexx. Pour Signia AX, les canaux sont par chaîne de traitement (Focus/Surroundings).

Programmes d’écoute

6 6 6 4 4
Nombre de programmes configurables dans Connexx.

Dynamique d’entrée étendue

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Traitement 24 bits 117 dB pour un codage numérique amélioré des sons doux et forts.

Gestion de la parole et de l’environnement

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Réduit l'effort d'écoute grâce à un traitement du son sophistiqué.


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Réduit la gêne causée par les bruits d'impact soudains et forts, par exemple lors de la manipulation d'objets en verre.

Gestion du Larsen

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Surveillance et contrôle à grande vitesse du retour d'information dans les différents canaux de traitement.

HD Music

3 3 1 1
Programmes prédéfinis pour un plaisir plus profond de la musique non diffusée.


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Réduit la gêne du bruit du vent à l'extérieur.

Bande passante étendue

Bande passante de 12 kHz pour un traitement amélioré de la parole et des sons environnementaux à haute fréquence.

Auto EchoShield

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Réduit automatiquement l'effet des réverbérations et des bruits forts et soudains dans les environnements réverbérants.

Qualité de la parole

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La qualité de la parole permet d'améliorer la compréhension de la parole et la facilité de communication dans le bruit.

Binaural Directionality

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La directionnalité permet une meilleure compréhension de la parole dans le bruit, ce qui est scientifiquement prouvé. Disponible pour les appareillages bilatéraux avec microphones directionnels et liaison sans fil e2e.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

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Nécessite des émetteurs CROS.

Compression fréquentielle

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Améliore la détection des sons vocaux pour les porteurs dont le seuil d'audition des hautes fréquences est réduit. La compression de fréquence est activée sélectivement en fonction de critères audiologiques.

SpeechFocus 360





En fonction de la direction de la source vocale dominante, Spatial SpeechFocus oriente le faisceau directionnel vers la gauche, la droite ou derrière le porteur automatiquement dans une situation de voiture, ou dans un programme dédié "Strolling".
Disponible pour les appareillages bilatéraux avec microphones directionnels et liaison sans fil e2e.

Wearer Interaction

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Les utilisateurs ayant un penchant pour la technique peuvent apprécier d'avoir un contrôle supplémentaire sur leurs aides auditives. Les aides auditives Signia Augmented Xperience offrent à ces utilisateurs une gamme complète d'options de réglage via l'application Signia.

Signia Assistant

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1Signia Assistant offre aux porteurs une assistance et un dépannage instantanés 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7. Il fournit des informations détaillées dans Connexx pour répondre plus précisément aux besoins de réglage de chaque client.

Signia app (iOS et Android)

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La nouvelle application Signia combine toutes les fonctionnalités des applications précédentes (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). Les fonctionnalités offertes par l'application sont automatiquement personnalisées en fonction de l'aide auditive connectée..

Volume de streaming adaptatif

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Adaptation du volume de la diffusion en fonction du bruit ambiant en fonction de l'intelligibilité de la parole.

Configurateur spatial

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Le configurateur spatial fait partie de l'application Signia et permet au porteur de régler la direction du faisceau du microphone.

Direct streaming iOS

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Les aides auditives Signia Augmented Xperience peuvent être connectées directement aux appareils Apple pour les appels téléphoniques et le streaming audio – sans accessoires supplémentaires.

HandsFree pour iOS

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HandsFree utilise le Bluetooth pour permettre à l'utilisateur d'utiliser ses aides auditives pour téléphoner en mains libres avec son iPhone dans différents environnements, même bruyants.

Direct streaming Android

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Transmission audio directe des appareils Android compatibles ASHA vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience dotés de la technologie Bluetooth.

StreamLine TV

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Diffusez un son stéréo de haute qualité directement à partir d'un téléviseur vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience équipés de Bluetooth.

StreamLine Mic

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Diffusez un son stéréo de haute qualité directement à partir de n'importe quel appareil Bluetooth (appareils Android, anciens appareils Apple, autres smartphones, PC, ordinateurs portables, etc.) vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience équipés de Bluetooth.


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Un choix de traitements des acouphènes basés sur des signaux de thérapie par encoche amplifiée ou de thérapie par le bruit traditionnelle. Il est même possible de combiner les deux approches.

NotchThérapie Acouphènes

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Une thérapie innovante contre les acouphènes grâce à une amplification quotidienne.

Smart Optimizer et Data Logging

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Smart Optimizer (qui se trouve dans la section Enregistrement des données) fournit des recommandations de réglage fin personnalisées basées sur une analyse de l'utilisation de l'aide auditive par l'utilisateur.

Gestionnaire d‘adaptation

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Permet à l'utilisateur de bénéficier d'une meilleure audibilité à long terme, tout en profitant d'une acceptation optimale du dispositif lors de son installation initiale.


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Permet de réaliser rapidement et facilement des audiogrammes de dépistage et de vérifier les seuils pendant que les appareils auditifs sont portés.


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Fournit automatiquement un réglage optimisé du gain d'insertion de l'oreille réelle (REIG) sans qu'il soit nécessaire de faire correspondre manuellement les cibles. La nouvelle norme IMC2 élargit la gamme des équipements REM qui prennent en charge AutoFit avec Connexx et Noah 4.5.1 ou supérieur.


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TeleCare fournit des services à distance, notamment des outils supplémentaires pour le suivi des patients. En outre, l'engagement et l'autonomie de l'utilisateur peuvent être accrus via l'application Signia.

Assistance à distance

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Comprend le tableau de bord de TeleCare, le réglage fin à distance, CareChat (y compris les messages texte, les appels téléphoniques et les appels vidéo), le suivi virtuel.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.


Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Niveau de Streaming adaptatif

Adaptation du volume de la diffusion en fonction du bruit ambiant en fonction de l'intelligibilité de la parole.

Configurateur spatial

Le configurateur spatial fait partie de l'application Signia et permet au porteur de régler la direction du faisceau du microphone.

Direct streaming iOS

Les aides auditives Signia Augmented Xperience peuvent être connectées directement aux appareils Apple pour les appels téléphoniques et le streaming audio, sans accessoires supplémentaires.

HandsFree pour iOS

HandsFree utilise le Bluetooth pour permettre à l'utilisateur d'utiliser ses aides auditives pour passer des appels mains libres avec son iPhone dans différents environnements, même bruyants.

Direct streaming Android

Transmission audio directe des appareils Android compatibles ASHA vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience dotés de la technologie Bluetooth.

StreamLine TV

Diffusez un son stéréo de haute qualité directement à partir d'un téléviseur vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience équipés de Bluetooth.

StreamLine Mic

Diffusez un son stéréo de haute qualité directement à partir de n'importe quel appareil Bluetooth (appareils Android, anciens appareils Apple, autres smartphones, PC, ordinateurs portables, etc.) vers les appareils auditifs Augmented Xperience équipés de Bluetooth.


Un choix de traitements des acouphènes basés sur des signaux de thérapie par encoche amplifiée ou de thérapie par le bruit traditionnelle. Il est même possible de combiner les deux approches

Notch Thérapie Acouphènes

Une thérapie innovante contre les acouphènes grâce à une amplification quotidienne.

Smart Optimizer et Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (qui se trouve dans la section Enregistrement des données) fournit des recommandations de réglage fin personnalisées basées sur une analyse de l'utilisation de l'aide auditive par l'utilisateur.

Gestionnaire d‘adaptation

Permet à l'utilisateur de bénéficier d'une meilleure audibilité à long terme, tout en profitant d'une acceptation optimale du dispositif lors de son installation initiale.


Permet de réaliser rapidement et facilement des audiogrammes de dépistage et de vérifier les seuils pendant que les appareils auditifs sont portés.


Fournit automatiquement un réglage optimisé du gain d'insertion de l'oreille réelle (REIG) sans qu'il soit nécessaire de faire correspondre manuellement les cibles. La nouvelle norme IMC2 élargit la gamme d'équipements REM qui prennent en charge AutoFit avec Connexx et Noah 4.5.1 ou supérieur.


TeleCare fournit des services à distance, notamment des outils supplémentaires pour le suivi des patients. En outre, l'engagement et l'autonomie de l'utilisateur peuvent être accrus grâce à l'application Signia.

Assistance à distance

Comprend le tableau de bord de TeleCare, le réglage fin à distance, CareChat (y compris les messages texte, les appels téléphoniques et les appels vidéo), le suivi virtuel.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.


Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.


Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.

  1. Le mode automatique n'est disponible que pour le 7AX, le mode manuel pour le 5AX.
  2. En programme universel : Microfaisceau automatique vers les directions droite / gauche / arrière.
  3. Dans le programme universel : Faisceau de micro automatique vers l'arrière, mode surround pour la parole latérale.
    Dans les programmes manuels, le faisceau du microphone est dirigé vers les directions droite/gauche/arrière.

Signia Augmented Xperience Plongez dans une clarté vocale exceptionnelle

En savoir plus sur Augmented Xperience
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