To jest wyrób medyczny. Używaj go zgodnie z instrukcją używania lub etykietą. 

Przegląd funkcji


Poziomy technologiczne


Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

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Dynamic Soundscape Processing (dynamiczne przetwarzanie sygnału) uwzględnia dane z czujników akustyczno-ruchowych, zapewniając jeszcze bardziej precyzyjne przetwarzanie dźwięku i realistyczne brzmienie w codziennych sytuacjach.

Augmented Focus™

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Oddziela dźwięk skupienia (mowę) od sygnałów tła, tworząc wyraźny kontrast pomiędzy nimi, co ułatwia śledzenie rozmowy.

Czujniki akustyczne

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Przeprojektowane czujniki akustyczne mogą wykryć jeszcze więcej zmiennych w dźwięku niż wcześniej, zapewniając dokładniejsze informacje o otoczeniu.

e2e wireless 4.0

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Kontroluje sprzężenie, synchronizację, binauralną kierunkowość, Spatial Speech Focus i CROS/ BiCROS.

Czujnik ruchu

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Zintegrowany czujnik ruchu wykrywa, czy użytkownik idzie, biegnie, czy stoi w miejscu. Informacje o ruchu uzupełniają dane z czujników akustycznych, żeby zoptymalizować działanie Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

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Przetwarzanie własnego głosu (Own Voice Processing - OVP™) w czasie rzeczywistym rozpoznaje głos osoby korzystającej z aparatów słuchowych, żeby zapewnić jego naturalne brzmienie. Dostępne dla aparatów zausznych i typu RIC z łącznością bezprzewodową e2e w dopasowaniu binauralnym.

Klarowność dźwięku

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Klarowność dźwięku zapewnia naturalne brzmienie pełnego spektrum dźwięków w każdej sytuacji.

Kanały / regulatory

48/20 32/16 24/12 16/8 16/8
Liczba kanałów/regulatorów w oprogramowaniu Connexx. Dla Signia AX, liczba kanałów podana na jedną ścieżkę przetwarzania (skupienie/otoczenie).

Programy słyszenia

6 6 6 4 4
Liczba programów, które można skonfigurować w oprogramowaniu Connexx.

Rozszerzony zakres dynamiczny

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117 dB 24 bit dla lepszego przetwarzania cyfrowego łagodnych i głośnych dźwięków.

Zarządzanie mową i hałasem

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Zmniejsza wysiłek słuchowy przy pomocy zaawansowanego przetwarzania dźwięku.

SoundSmoothing™ (redukcja hałasów impulsowych)

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Łagodzi nagłe głośne hałasy, np. brzęk szkła.

Redukcja sprzężenia

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Błyskawiczne monitorowanie i kontrola sprzężenia w indywidualnych kanałach przetwarzania.

Muzyka HD (zdefiniowane programy)

3 3 1 1
Liczba zdefiniowanych programów dla lepszych wrażeń podczas słuchania muzyki bez transmisji dźwięku.

eWindScreen (redukcja szumu wiatru)

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Zmniejsza uciążliwość szumu wiatru na otwartej przestrzeni.

Rozszerzone pasmo przenoszenia

Pasmo przenoszenia do 12 kHz pozwala lepiej przetwarzać dźwięki mowy i środowiskowe o wysokiej częstotliwości.

Auto EchoShield (automatyczna redukcja pogłosu)

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Automatycznie redukuje efekt echa i nagłe głośne dźwięki w pomieszczeniach z pogłosem.

Jakość mowy

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Zapewnia polepszone rozumienie mowy i ułatwia komunikację w hałasie.

Binauralna kierunkowość

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Kierunkowość zapewnia udowodnione naukowo lepsze rozumienie mowy w hałasie. Dostępna dla dopasowań binauralnych z mikrofonami kierunkowymi i łącznością bezprzewodową e2e.

Bezprzewodowy CROS/BiCROS

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Wymaga nadajnika CROS.

Kompresja częstotliwości

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Ułatwia wykrywanie dźwięków mowy osobom z obniżonym progiem słyszenia wysokich częstotliwości. Kompresja częstotliwości jest aktywowana selektywnie w oparciu o kryteria audiologiczne.

Przestrzenny SpeechFocus





W zależności od kierunku dominującego sygnału mowy, Przestrzenny SpeechFocus automatycznie steruje charakterystyką kierunkową na lewo, prawo lub do tyłu w samochodzie lub na dedykowanym programie "Spacer".
Dostępny dla dopasowań binauralnych z mikrofonami kierunkowymi i łącznością bezprzewodową e2e.

Interakcja użytkownika

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Technicznie ukierunkowani użytkownicy mogą docenić dodatkową kontrolę nad urządzeniami. Aparaty Signia Augmented Xperience oferują tym użytkownikom szeroki wachlarz opcji regulacji poprzez aplikację Signia.

Asystent Signia

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1Asystent Signia oferuje użytkownikom ciągłe wsparcie 24/7 do rozwiązywania problemów. Dostarcza szczegółowych informacji w Connexx, aby precyzyjnie określić dostrojenia każdego pacjenta.

Aplikacja Signia (iOS i Android)

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Nowa aplikacja Signia łączy wszystkie funkcjonalności poprzednich aplikacji (touchControl, myControl, myHearing). Funkcje oferowane w aplikacji są automatycznie dostosowywane do połączonych urządzeń.

Adaptacyjna głośność transmisji

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Głośność transmitowanego sygnału audio zmienia się w zależności od hałasu otoczenia.

Konfigurator przestrzenny

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Konfigurator przestrzenny jest częścią aplikacji Signia i pozwala użytkownikom dostroić kierunkowość mikrofonów.

Transmisja audio dla iOS

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Aparaty słuchowe Signia Augmented Xperience mogą być bezpośrednio połączone z urządzeniami Apple dla rozmów telefonicznych i transmisji audio – bez dodatkowych akcesoriów.

HandsFree (rozmowy bez użycia rąk) dla iOS

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Funkcja HandsFree korzysta z Bluetooth, żeby umożliwić użytkownikowi korzystanie z aparatów słuchowych do prowadzenia rozmów telefonicznych bez użycia rąk przy pomocy iPhone'a w różnych środowiskach - nawet hałaśliwych.

Bezpośrednia transmisja dźwięku dla Android

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Bezpośrednia transmisja audio z kompatybilnych z ASHA urządzeń Android do wyposażonych w Bluetooth aparatów Augmented Xperience.

StreamLine TV

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Transmituje wysokiej jakości dźwięk stereo z telewizorów do wyposażonych w Bluetooth aparatów słuchowych Augmented Xperience.

StreamLine Mic

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Transmituje wysokiej jakości dźwięk stereo z każdego urządzenia Bluetooth (Android, starsze urządzenia Apple, inne smartfony, komputery, laptopy, itd.) do wyposażonych w Bluetooth aparatów Augmented Xperience.


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Wybór spośród dwóch terapii tinnitus: teparii wycięcia wzmocnienia lub tradycyjnej terapii opartej na sygnałach szumowych. Możliwe jest także połączenie obu sposobów.

Terapia wycięcia wzmocnienia

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Innowacyjna terapia tinnitus oparta na wzmocnieniu.

Inteligentny optymalizator i Data Logging

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Inteligentny optymalizator (umieszczony w Data Logging) dostarcza rekomendacji bazujących na analizie zmian dokonywanych przez użytkownika.

Menadżer aklimatyzacji

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Pozwala na stopniowe zwiększanie słyszalności w dłuższym okresie czasu, po akceptacji po pierwszym dopasowaniu.


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Pozwala na szybkie i wygodne przeprowadzenie audiogramu i sprawdzenie progu słuchowego za pomocą założonych aparatów słuchowych.


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Zapewnia automatyczne pomiary ucha rzeczywistego (REIG) oraz zmiany ustawień bez konieczności ręcznej ingerencji. Nowy standard IMC2 rozszerza zakres urządzeń REM wspierających AutoFit z programami Connexx oraz Noah w wersji 4.5.1 lub nowszej.


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TeleCare zapewnia zdalne wsparcie wliczając dodatkowe narzędzia do obsługi posprzedażowej pacjentów. Dodatkowo, zaangażowanie i autonomia użytkowników może wzrosnąć dzięki aplikacji Signia.

Usługi zdalne

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Zawierają portal TeleCare, zdalne dostrajanie oraz CareChat (wiadomości tekstowe, rozmowy telefoniczne lub wideo).
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.


Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.


Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.


Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.
Performance Levels

Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0

Dynamic Soundscape Processing takes sound processing to a more precise level by including motion data for a more realistic sound adapted to everyday life.

Augmented Focus™

Separates the focus sound (speech) from surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, which makes it easier to follow conversations.

Acoustic Sensors

The redesigned acoustic sensors can detect more variables of sound than ever before, providing more accurate information about the environment.

e2e wireless 4.0

Control coupling, synchronization, binaural directionality, eWindcreen binaural, Spatial Speech Focus, CROS/BiCROS.

Motion Sensor

An integrated motion sensor detects whether the wearer is walking, running or sitting still. This motion data complements the acoustic data to optimize Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0.

OVP 2.0 Own Voice Processing 2.0

Own Voice Processing (OVP™) utilizes real-time recognition of the wearer’s voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression. Available for RIC/BTE devices with e2e wireless in binaural fittings.

Sound Clarity

Sound Clarity provides lifelike sound which covers the full spectrum of wearing situations.

Signal processing / Gain & MPO

Channels/handles in Connexx. For Signia AX, channels are per processing chain (Focus/Surroundings).

Hearing Programs

Number of programs configurable in Connexx.

Extended dynamic range

117 dB 24 bit processing for enhanced digital encoding of soft and loud sounds.

Speech and noise management

Reduces listening effort using sophisticated sound processing.


Reduces the annoyance of sudden loud impact sound such as when handling glassware.

Feedback cancellation

High speed monitoring and control of feedback in individual processing channels.

HD Music

Preset programs for enhanced enjoyment of non-streamed music.


Reduces the annoyance of wind noise when outdoors.

Extended bandwidth

12 kHz bandwidth for enhanced processing of high-frequency speech and environmental sounds.

Auto EchoShield

Automatically reduces the effect of reverberations and sudden loud noises in reverberant environments.

Speech Quality

Speech Quality delivers improved speech understanding and communication ease in noise.

Binaural Directionality

Directionality provides scientifically proven enhanced speech understanding in noise. Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wireless CROS/BiCROS

Requires CROS transmitters.

Frequency compression

Improves the detection of speech sounds for wearers with reduced high frequency hearing thresholds. Frequency compression is selectively activated based on audiological criteria.

Spatial SpeechFocus

Depending on the direction of the dominant speech source, Spatial SpeechFocus steers the directional beam to the left, right, or behind the wearer automatically in a car situation, or in a dedicated "Strolling" program.
Available for bilateral fittings with directional microphones and e2e wireless link.

Wearer Interaction

Technically inclined wearers may appreciate having extra control over their hearing aids. Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids offer these wearers a comprehensive range of adjustment options via the Signia App.

Signia Assistant

1Signia Assistant offers wearers instant 24/7 support and troubleshooting around the clock. It provides detailed information in Connexx to address each client’s fine-tuning needs more precisely.

Signia app (iOS and Android)

The new Signia app combines all functionalities of previous apps (touchControl, myControl, myHearing app). The functionality offered in the app is automatically customized depending on the connected hearing aid.

Adaptive Streaming Volume

Speech intelligibility weighted adaptation of the streaming volume depending on ambient noise.

Spatial Configurator

Spatial Configurator is part of the Signia app and allows the wearer to adjust the direction of the microphone beam.

Direct streaming for iOS

Signia Augmented Xperience hearing aids can be connected directly to Apple devices for phone calls and audio streaming – without additional accessories.

HandsFree for iOS

HandsFree uses Bluetooth  to allow the wearer to use their hearing aids for hands-free calls with their iPhone in different environments - even noisy ones.

Direct streaming for Android

Direct audio streaming from ASHA compatible Android devices to Bluetooth enabled Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine TV accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from a TV to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.

StreamLine Mic accessory

Stream high quality stereo sound directly from any Bluetooth device (Android devices, older Apple devices, other smartphones, PCs, laptops, etc.) to Bluetooth equipped Augmented Xperience hearing aids.


A choice of tinnitus treatments based on amplified notch therapy or traditional noise therapy signals. It is even possible to combine the two approaches.

Notched Amplification Therapy

Innovative tinnitus therapy delivered via everyday amplification.

Smart Optimizer and Data Logging

Smart Optimizer (found under Data Logging) provides tailored fine-tuning recommendations based on an analysis of the wearer's usage of the hearing aid.

Acclimatization manager

Allows the wearer to benefit from enhanced audibility in the longer term, while enjoying optimal device acceptance when initially fitted.


Allows quick and convenient screening audiograms and checking of thresholds while the hearing aids are worn.


Automatically provides an optimized real-ear insertion gain (REIG) setting without the need to manually match targets. The new IMC2 standard expands the range of REM equipment which supports AutoFit with Connexx and Noah 4.5.1 or higher.


TeleCare provides remote services including additional tools to follow-up with patients. In addition, user engagement and autonomy can be increased via the Signia app.

Remote Services

Includes TeleCare Dashboard, Remote Fine Tuning, CareChat (incl. text messages, phone calls and video calls), virtual follow-up.

  1. Tryb automatyczny dostępny tylko w 7AX, tryb ręczny w 5AX
  2. Na programie Uniwersalnym: Automatyczna charakterystyka kierunkowa na prawo/lewo/do tyłu.
  3. Na programie Uniwersalnym: Automatyczna charakterystyka kierunkowa do tyłu, dla bocznej mowy tryb wszechkierunkowy.
    Na ręcznych programach, charakterystyka kierunkowa na prawo/lewo/do tyłu.

Signia Augmented Xperience
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